
QR Code Based Manual Parcel Sorting Machine

Sort to Light: How QR Codes Revolutionized Parcel Sorting for Daraz

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, parcel sorting is a crucial aspect of a business’s success. It is a time-consuming and laborious process that can add to the cost of doing business. However, Sort to Light, a revolutionary technology that streamlines parcel sorting using QR codes, has changed the game. This system was commissioned by Daraz, an eCommerce company, to automate and streamline their parcel sorting process.

The goal of the project was to create a system that would allow parcels to be sorted faster and more efficiently, reducing the time and labor costs associated with manual sorting. The solution was to use QR codes and a handheld scanner to sort parcels automatically. Each parcel has a QR code printed on a sticker. When a person scans the QR code using a handheld scanner, the destination bin’s light will light up, indicating which bin the parcel should be placed in. The person will then put the parcel in the respective bin based on the bin light.

The development team faced numerous challenges, including interfacing all the devices with wireless networks, creating a language they could communicate with, ensuring battery backup, and coding. They developed a fully dynamic cloud-based system that was rejected by the client due to concerns about complexity and information leakage. The team then developed a second version of the system that was fully wired and did not require any wireless connectivity or displays. This version was much simpler and more practical, addressing the client’s concerns and needs.

The lack of wireless connectivity and displays means that the system is secure and free from any potential security risks. The system’s focus is on practicality and ease of use, making it ideal for businesses looking to streamline their parcel sorting process. The development of the second version of the system took a team of five persons and 40 days to complete, and it was successfully implemented.

The Sort to Light system was developed by a team of engineers and technicians from AXIOM International, Resonance Engineering & Technology and Vision Technology. They worked tirelessly for months to come up with a solution that would meet the client’s needs and address their concerns. The success of the project is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the development team and demonstrates the power of technology in simplifying and improving business processes.

In conclusion, Sort to Light is a revolutionary technology that automates the parcel sorting process using QR codes. It is user-friendly, secure, and practical, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their parcel sorting process. The success of the project is a testament to the power of technology in simplifying and improving business processes. The development team’s hard work and dedication show that with the right technology and expertise, any challenge can be overcome.